Monday, February 23, 2009

As her uncle would write, "Never discuss desire, that's what makes you a good Catholic"

Below, the full advertisement for the SexPo week's upcoming events. What a disgrace to Georgetown, and a rebuke to any pretense that it has anything seriously to do with Roman Catholic moral teaching. The people pushing this garbage are the enemy, front and center. As outrageous as this is on its face, I do wonder what the university's president and trustees think about themselves and their mission. Do they really believe they are being remotely faithful to the school's mission by allowing a pornographer to give a presentation about open marriages on campus? A priest I know once told me that every priest should serve keeping front and center that one day, he will have to give an account to God of the souls of all those under his care. Do you think such a thought ever comes within a hundred miles of the minds of the clerics and laymen who have responsibility for Georgetown University and the formation of the minds and characters of the students who pass through there? Please. se enfada porque la sobrina de Pynchon, Tristan Taormino, va a Georgetown a hablar probablemente de sus dos libros sobre el sexo anal femenino, de sus peliculas meta-pornograficas, de sus juguetes de boutique erotica de alto standing, de las relaciones MUY abiertas, o de cualquier cosa similar que se le pase por la cabeza. Si. Por la cabeza.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Y ahora un momento serio

Buena parte de los catorce ex militares salvadoreños implicados en la matanza de seis sacerdotes jesuitas, cinco de ellos españoles, el ama de llaves y su hija, regentan hoy empresas, disfrutan de retiros y cargos, frecuentan cuartos de banderas y se pertrechan contra la persecución de la Audiencia Nacional y de la Asociación Proderechos Humanos de España (APDHE). Varios cabildean políticamente para impedir que la ley de amnistía de 1993 sea derogada por el Gobierno que salga de las elecciones del próximo 15 de marzo en El Salvador.

Veinte años de impunidad

Friday, February 20, 2009

Si Ratzi no existiera habria que inventarlo...

Early this week, Pope Benedict compounded his troubles by elevating a bishop who blamed New Orleans for Hurricane Katrina and called Harry Potter satanic. How does a pope who’s not that ideologically different from the beloved John Paul II manage to screw up so badly?


Monday, February 2, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Benedict on a Ball

The ultra-right political views of the Lefebvrists were not unknown to church leaders who offered to lift the excommunication. Lefebvre had spoken despairingly of how the Allied liberation of France from the Nazis represented "the victory of Freemasonry against the Catholic order of [Vichy leader Marshal] Petain," and his movement had given sanctuary to the fugitive French collaborator Paul Touvier, who was arrested in the society's priory in Nice in 1989. Touvier was charged and convicted of ordering the assassination of seven Jews in Lyon in 1944 as well as other crimes against humanity. A priest of the order sat beside him during his trial as his spiritual advisor. Lefebvre supported the Front National Party of Jean-Marie Le Pen, claiming the support was based on Le Pen's opposition to abortion.

Ratzi, Ratzi, Ratzi...