Sunday, December 28, 2008


I know, I know, nothing to do with the main topic of this blog, but who could resist the temptation to post this gallery?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Behold, I will tell you a mystery...

El día después de celebrar el solsticio de invierno y el nacimiento de Sir Isaac Newton, Nacho se da el gusto de mostrar en Público el lamentable estado de las creencias religiosas en Ex-panya y la mínima regularidad en la práctica católica. No es raro que el Cardenal Rouco, tan amigo de Razzi, ansíe una segunda evangelización militante a la Concilio de Trento.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

And then that guy in the flamboyant dress said...

El papa Benedicto XVI se ha vuelto ha pronunciar hoy contra los cambios de sexo. Ha precisado que Dios creó al ser humano como "hombre" y "mujer" y abogó por una "ecología del hombre, que le proteja de la autodestrucción".

"No es una metafísica superada si la Iglesia habla de la naturaleza del ser humano como hombre y mujer y pide que este orden de la creación sea respetado", ha afirmado el Pontífice ante los cardenales y miembros de la Curia romana, a los que recibió en la tradicional audiencia de intercambio de felicitaciones con motivo de la Navidad.


Monday, December 22, 2008

Chuck Norris to the rescue

Or how to make those Jesus jackers really, really, really sorry:

'Tis the season to be Jesus stealing? Away in a manger, no Christ for the bed? It has become a new Christmas fetish – neutering nativities by jacking the Jesus. Just over the past week, dozens of mini-messiahs have been nabbed from nativities across the country.

More. How many girls thought of borrowing tiny (although always oh so powerful) Chuck Norris action figures from their brothers to make their Christmas stories even more exciting?

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Iglesias, iglesias, iglesias

Esta fabulosa locura es de Noruega, esta maravilla de Mikonos.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Repent ye, Godless Obamites

A Roman Catholic priest has told parishioners they should confess if they voted for Barack Obama because the president-elect supports abortion.

The Rev. Joseph Illo says his parishioners at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Modesto shouldn't risk losing their "state of grace" by receiving communion sacrilegiously. He delivered the message in a Nov. 21 letter and during mass.

In an interview this week with the Modesto Bee, Illo says he sent the letter because Catholic teaching requires that people go to confession when they commit a mortal sin.

Cuando uno oye cosas asi no puede evitar pensar que de verdad hay que terminar "lo que empezamos en el 36".